Public Relations

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Public Relations Strategies That Work


Public relations is more than just something marketing firms offer in case of emergencies. Yes, PR covers the handling of media disasters, but it is much more than that. Public relation consists of three distinct things: the sharing of information to the right group of people at the right time, controlling the message you want your business to send, and brand recognition and reputation. Let’s take a look at each of these individually and how they can help make you money!

First, sharing information. In today’s world of social media and instant news, you need to be able to make sure you are able to communicate quickly and clearly with your customers. Axel and Associate’s team of PR experts will make sure that you are able to issue, and draw people’s attention to, any statements you need to make. This allows you to inform people, clear up misconceptions, announce new products/plans, and more.

Second, controlling the message. Whether you are announcing the launch of a new project or product, responding to someone’s good or bad review, or any other instance you are speaking to the public, you want to control what the reaction will be. We can help you ensure you get the reaction you want through carefully worded statements, social media posts, and more. We make sure the only message out there about you is the one you want.

Finally, and possibly most important, brand recognition and reputation. There is an old adage in the marketing business, “happy people don’t leave reviews.” The vast majority of people will love your business, and not many of those people leave reviews on websites like Yelp! and Facebook. (Although we can help with that too!) Unfortunately, the few people who are upset about some aspect of your business will inevitably complain, and they will take the time to write bad reviews. We can take care of this.

Axel and Associates can respond to the customer who wrote the review and attempt to amend the situation, as well as using various techniques to bury the bad review out of anyone’s view. We make sure that your customers’ opinions are not wrongly influenced by unfair bad reviews. We are so confident in our work that we offer a money back guarantee. If you aren’t satisfied with the service you receive, it’s on the house! Call Axel & Associates today to see what our expert PR team can do for you!

Public Relations

Our PR services include:

When you want to grow your business at a price that won’t break the bank call Axel & Associates at (866) DAVIDAXEL

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